Sonic Superstars onthult Emerald Powers
Sonic Team creative officer Takashi Iizuka heeft tijdens een interview onthuld welke Emerald Powers spelers mogen verwachten in Sonic Superstars.
In Sonic Superstars, dat later dit jaar verschijnt, kunnen spelers in Special Stages zogenaamde Chaos Emeralds verzamelen. Die geven hen toegang tot speciale krachten die ze doorheen de game kunnen gebruiken. De Emerald Powers in kwestie zijn:
Avatar: create clones of your character to defeat enemies in their path
Bullet: blast your character in a specific direction
Water: traverse underwater more easily and climb up waterfalls
Ivy: grow vines to reach new areas - these are usable by teammates too
Vision: reveal hidden platforms and rings - an indicator will pop up to notify of its use
Slow: slow everything on the screen
Extra: unlocks a character specific ability:
- Sonic - Homing Attack
- Amy - Hammer Throw
- Knuckles - Punch
- Tails - Tornado Spin