PlatinumGames is 10 jaar oud, geeft speciale wallpaper vrij
PlatinumGames lijkt de afgelopen jaren niet uit het nieuws te slaan met nieuwe games en projecten. De ontwikkelaar lijkt iedereen wel te kunnen bekoren, want tal van grote uitgevers hebben de studio al ingelijfd om specifieke games te laten maken. Het tempo waarmee het daar ook in slaagt, lijkt onovertroffen te zijn, iets wat ook veelal te zien is in de games zelf.
Nu, 10 jaar na de oprichting van de studio, is het even tijd om te vieren en dus heeft de CEO een boodschap op de site gezet, waarin men even terugblikt op het afgelopen decennium en men blijft geloven in de eigen slogan, met name "De wereld veroveren als afgevaardigde van Japan", al beseft men dat men vooral veel te danken heeft aan de fans. De volledige boodschap kan je hieronder lezen en de wallpaper kan je ook gewoon hieronder bewonderen (opgevuld met al hun personages). Sinds 2009, het jaar van diens eerste game, heeft Platinum Games reeds 10 games uitgebracht en werkt het nog aan 4 games op dit moment.
Hello, everyone. Ten years have passed since PlatinumGames was founded in 2006!
Even though our company was founded by a group of people with a decent amount of experience in the video game industry, our name recognition in the beginning was obviously nonexistent. We weren’t really in the position to make a big fanfare about establishing our company, either. I distinctly remember setting sail quietly, without really being noticed by consumers. But our goal right from the start was to create high-quality video games, and we’ve been working towards that goal ever since.
We released our first title in 2009. We used the publicity for that product to introduce ourselves to the world, and by the time the game was on shelves, we’d finally managed to establish a clear profile as a company. I strongly feel that we are still able to take our straightforward stance towards game development today thanks to a decade of support from the many fans who play our games. I am very grateful to all of you for this support.
In recent years, perhaps slightly presumptuously, we’ve adopted the slogan “Taking on the World as the Representative of Japan.” Japan used to lead the worldwide video game industry, but we can’t help but feel that it has lost some of its vitality in recent years. Yet we are using this state of affairs to motivate and inspire ourselves. If there is any conclusion that can be gleaned from this statement, it’s that we are dependent on the continued support of our fans. We will keep up our fighting stance. We will keep working hard to bring even more high-quality entertainment to all our fans all over the globe.
PlatinumGames has a bright, shining future ahead of itself, and we hope you’ll come along with us to see it.