Starhawk naar PS Store in drie vormen
Gisteren konden we jullie reeds melden dat Starhawk drie nieuwe modi mocht ontvangen met de patch 1.40. De ontwikkelaar wist zonet te melden dat haar titel eindelijk haar weg baant naar de PlayStation Store. Starhawk zal vanaf 26 september in twee vormen beschikbaar komen met een extra voor de PlayStation Plus-gebruikers. Ten eerste zal je de volledige titel terugvinden met een prijskaartje van €34,99. Ten tweede kan je enkel opteren voor de multiplayer van deze titel en dan betaal je €19,99.
De leuke extra voor de PlayStation Plus-bezitters bestaat uit de singleplayer van de titel, want men zal deze gratis kunnen binnenhalen. Op de tweede pagina kan je de lijst met wijzigingen en verbeteringen terugvinden die we jullie gisteren verschuldigd bleven.
- Three new gameplay modes: Assault, Deathmatch Arena, Gatekeeper.
- Five new “small” maps: Cypress Glade, Space Relay, Scourge Junction, Space Flotilla, Scourge Breaker.
- Updated preplaced pickups on all maps (just like we did in Cypress) as well as updated Rift Barrel placement.
- Three new Build & Battle loadouts: Trooper, Lightweight and Speeder.
- New ToolTips are displayed on various options and buttons in the Uplink, including a display of all the units in each LoadOut and recommended player counts when you create a new game.
- MAW Rocket Launcher now can lockon to the Sidewinder Jet Bike.
- Added four new national clan banners for our players in the Middle East: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Israel and the UAE.
- Quit Penalty for players that quit during a game you get a loss posted and SkillScore hit.
- New “Up Next” display at the intermission screen of what map, mode and loadout is coming up in the next round.
- More scorelimit and timelimit options when creating a game.
- All three new game modes are added to QuickMatch for matchmaking.
- CoOp Prospector is now supported in QuickMatch for matchmaking into public CoOp games.
- New CoOp Prospector options for creating Private or Public games, difficulty, and game name.
- Public CoOp Prospector games now are supported in the serverlist.
- Bug fix that ensures that only Clan Leaders/Officers can edit the clan tag field.
- Added a PlayStation Store button to the Uplink for accessing Starhawk DLC.
- Increased starting RiftEnergy in Homeworlds.
- Slightly increased the Galloway Pistol’s headshot damage.
- Removed the “Bruiser” Skill.
- Added a “Grinder” Skill that allows you to start with a Grinder in your weapon inventory.
- Grinder windup time has been reduced.
- Max range for the Grinder has been increased.
- In the serverlist, the easy “Cake” and medium “Fist” game icons have been removed. You will still see the hard “Skull” game icons.
- Refined difficulty tuning on all CoOp Prospector Missions (slightly easier).
- Increased XP payouts for all CoOp Prospector Missions.
- XP payouts for capturing Tier2 and Tier3 bases in the Zones gameplay mode.
- Integrated Starhawk specific network scan to help players resolve port issues.
- Added ingame scoreboard HUD for Dogfight & Arena Deathmatch gameplay modes.