Phil Spencer noemt Xbox-lek 'oud nieuws'
De voorbije dagen hebben we het nieuws rond Xbox bijna niet kunnen volgen, maar volgens Phil Spencer, de baas bij Xbox, moeten we ons niet te veel vast pinnen op alles wat er ontdekt is. In een reactie op X zegt hij dat er heel wat veranderd is sinds die documenten zijn opgesteld en dat de echte plannen van Xbox gedeeld worden wanneer ze daar zelf klaar voor zijn. Ook in een interne memo zegt hij iets gelijkaardigs en voegt hij er aan toe dat hij het bijzonder jammer vindt voor iedereen die betrokken is dat op deze manier alle informatie naar buiten is gekomen.
We've seen the conversation around old emails and documents. It is hard to see our team's work shared in this way because so much has changed and there's so much to be excited about right now, and in the future. We will share the real plans when we are ready.
— Phil Spencer (@XboxP3) September 19, 2023
De volledige interne memo van Phil Spencer
Today, several documents submitted in the court proceedings related to our proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard were unintentionally disclosed. I know this is disappointing, even if many of the documents are well over a year old and our plans have evolved.
I also know we all take the confidentiality of our plans and our partners’ information very seriously. This leak obviously is not us living up to that expectation. We will learn from what happened and be better going forward. We all put incredible amounts of passion and energy into our work, and this is never how we want that hard work to be shared with the community. That said, there’s so much more to be excited about, and when we’re ready, we’ll share the real plans with our players.
In closing, I appreciate all of the work that you pour into Team Xbox to surprise and delight our players. In the days and weeks ahead, let’s stay focused on what we can control: continuing the amazing success of Starfield, the upcoming launch of the incredible and accessible Forza Motorsport, and continuing to build games, services and devices that millions of players can enjoy.