Update 1.2 voor Stellaris brengt heel wat nieuwigheden
28 June 2016
Geschreven door Jay
Stellaris heeft update 1.2, Asimov genaamd, ontvangen. De update brengt veranderingen met zich mee betreffende het border system van de game. Ook worden nieuwe systemen voorzien voor diplomatieke relaties, zijn de graphics weer wat opgepoetst en meer.
- Access through empires’ borders now open until closed by diplomatic actions.
- Colonizing planets and building outposts now costs influence.
- Embassies replaced by building long-term relationships with other empires via trustworthy actions.
- Diplomacy interface includes additional actions and options – and diplomatic incidents.
- New possible goals for warfare.
- Battles are clearer and have improved appearances.
- New ways to view maps with a variety of data shown.
- New nomadic fleets and varied population factions.
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