Ontwikkelaar Project CARS ontkent voorkeursbehandeling voor Nvidia
De afgelopen dagen zijn heel wat berichten opgedoken omtrent de prestaties van Project CARS in combinatie met grafische kaarten van AMD. Die prestaties zouden namelijk ondermaats zijn, om niet te zeggen ronduit slecht. Bij kaarten van Nvidia lijkt er dan weer amper een probleem te zijn. Het gevolg is dat sommigen ontwikkelaar Slightly Mad Studios ervan beschuldigen te goed bevriend te zijn met Nvidia, en dat men de performance van AMD-kaarten met opzet naar beneden gehaald zou hebben door hun game gebouwd te hebben op basis van technologie waarvan geweten is dat die eigenlijk enkel met Nvidia-kaarten werkt.
Slightly Mad Studios heeft nu gereageerd op deze beschuldigingen en ontkent ze met klem. Volgens de studio is het inderdaad zo dat er problemen zijn met AMD-kaarten, maar dat zou te maken hebben met drivers en in geen geval met een voorkeursbehandeling die Nvidia zou hebben gekregen. De ontwikkelaar zegt dat het goede banden heeft met Nvidia, maar dat hetzelfde geldt voor AMD. Voorts wil men nog een waslijst aan zaken opklaren omtrent deze kwestie.
- Project CARS is not a GameWorks product. We have a good working relationship with nVidia, as we do with AMD, but we have our own render technology which covers everything we need.
- NVidia are not “sponsors” of the project. The company has not received, and would not expect, financial assistance from third party hardware companies.
- The MADNESS engine runs PhysX at only 50Hz and not at 600Hz as mentioned in several articles
- The MADNESS engine uses PhysX for collision detection and dynamic objects, which is a small part of the overall physics systems
- The MADNESS engine does not use PhysX for the SETA tyre model or for the chassis constraint solver (our two most expensive physics sub-systems)
- The MADNESS engine does not use PhysX for the AI systems or for raycasting, we use a bespoke optimised solution for those
- The physics systems run completely independently of the rendering and main game threads and utilises 2 cores at 600Hz
- The physics threading does not interact with the rendering, it is a push system sending updated positional information to the render bridge at 600Hz
- Any performance difference with PhysX would not be reflected with differences in comparing rendering frame rates. There is no interaction between PhysX and the rendering
- Overall, PhysX uses less than 10% of all physics thread CPU on PC. It is a very small part of the physics system so would not make a visual difference if run on the CPU or GPU
- Direct involvement with both nVidia and AMD has been fruitful in assisting with the game performance at various stages of development. Both AMD and nVidia have had access to working builds of the game throughout development, and they have both tested builds and reported their results and offered suggestions for performance improvements.
- Testing of the game with different driver versions has produced a variety of performance results on both nVidia and AMD hardware. This is entirely to be expected as driver changes cannot always be tested on every game and every card, and this is the reason why both companies produce game-specific driver profiles, to ensure that they can get the best out of the game.
- Project CARS does not use nVidia specific particle technology – the system we use is a modified version of the same technology we used on the Need for Speed : Shift and Shift Unleashed games, and was entirely developed in-house. The reason the performance drops when there are a lot of particles on screen is simply because processing a large number of particles is very expensive.”