Ontwikkelaar spoort piraten aan om The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt te kopen
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt verschijnt volgende week pas officieel, maar omwille van het DRM-vrije karakter van de game is het redelijk eenvoudig om de pc-versie van het spel nu al gratis te downloaden, zij het dan natuurlijk wel illegaal. Op een Torrent-site zou een werknemer van CD projekt RED piraten nu hebben opgeroepen om de game effectief te kopen, omdat het een game is die het verdient om gekocht te worden. Hij, of zij, bevestigde ook dat piraten de day-one patch kunnen toepassen. Of het trouwens echt om een van de ontwikkelaars gaat, valt moeilijk te controleren.
"On May the 19th CDPR will release a 1.01 path that will contain numerous fixes and an exe file. This file will be available from the Galaxy Client (need not login/sign up juts have the client up and running with preload files imported). Alternatively, you can download the patch from play.thewitcher3.com and just run it. This will be available to everybody, not just people who bought the game. Having said that, I would really like to encourage you buying the game. Firstly, it foes toward my salary (I work at the company), which you probably don't care about. Secondly, if you own the game you will receive 16 free DLCS which contain tons of cool stuff, including new quest lines, item sets, game modes etc. The game costs 32$ on GOG.com. And for the 32$ you will get so much gaming content it will boggle your mind. Seriously. I am involved in the development process and me, as well as hundreds of people who have literally worked their asses off for the last couple of months (some serious overtime came into make Witcher 3), and I am telling you: this ain't an 8-hour corridor stunt for 60 bucks. This is a game as huge as Skyrim itself, perhaps even bigger. I really do hope you enjoy the game, no matter if you bought it or not. I will however really, personally appreciate if you purchase it. " |