Update - Wizards of the Coast klaagt kaartspel Hex: Shards of Fate aan
Cryptozoic en Hex Entertainment hebben inmiddels gereageerd op de beschuldiging van Wizards of the Coasts en uiteraard wordt ontkend dat men voor Hex: Shards of Fate het concept van Magix the Gathering heeft gestolen. Er wordt weliswaar erkend dat dergelijke kaartspellen gelijkenissen kunnen vertonen, maar dat zou eerder eigen zijn aan het genre. Bij Cryptozoic denken ze dan ook dat Wizards of the Coast gewoon een concurrent uit de weg wil ruimen. Hieronder de volledige reactie.
As you may be aware, Wizards of the Coast recently filed a lawsuit against Cryptozoic Entertainment, LLC and Hex Entertainment, LLC in the Western District of Washington. The complaint alleges various similarities between HEX: Shards of Fate and Magic: The Gathering. Although we take all pending litigation seriously, we do not find any merit to the allegations in the complaint. We do not expect this frivolous legal action to impact our efforts to deliver a compelling and entertaining game experience to our customers. HEX: Shards of Fate is a digital only MMO-TCG that attempts to innovate what a digital trading card game can be. Its digital only nature allows it to push the boundaries in ways a traditional paper TCG never could. As a small company, the daunting task of defending ourselves from the bullying of a much larger corporation is difficult, but we are committed to HEX: Shards of Fate and ultimately we will prevail. We respect intellectual property rights, but the right to make a TCG is not exclusive to WOTC. Many TCGs can, and do, coexist consistent with any IP rights WOTC might have. While IP rights are important, so is fair competition. WOTC cannot snuff out fair competition with frivolous infringement assertions. Further, we ask that you respect the duties and obligations of the HEX team members during this time. Any questions or comments should be directed to legal@hextcg.com. All inquiries will be read but please understand that because of the nature of this matter, not all questions can be responded to at this time. -The HEX Team |
Origineel (16/05/2014, 00:01)
Wizards of the Coast vindt dat het kaartspel Hex: Shards of Fate, een game die in juni vorig jaar meer dan 2 miljoen dollar wist op te halen via Kickstarter, te veel lijkt op zijn eigen Magic the Gathering en dus klaagt men ontwikkelaar Cryptozoic aan wegens diefstal. Wizards of the Coast wil al het geld dat Cryptozoic tot nu toe aan de game heeft verdiend, wat geschat wordt om 500.000 dollar.