Deze verbeteringen krijgt NIOH op basis van alpha demo feedback
Een tijdje geleden werd een alpha demo van NIOH, de "Dark Souls met een samoerai", beschikbaar gesteld. De bedoeling was om geïnteresseerden niet alleen te laten proeven van de game, maar ook om meteen feedback te verzamelen op basis waarvan men dan nog verbeteringen zou kunnen doorvoeren. Inmiddels is de feedback doorgenomen en is beslist dat onderstaande zaken voor de finale versie alvast nog aangepakt zullen worden.
Overall Directions
-Expand Tutorial for game systems
-Balancing difficulty, especially on prologue stages which gets too imbalanced
-Improve camera & controls
-Improve User Interface
-Optimize Graphic Performance
Detailed fixes
1. Tutorial
-Add training stage where tutorial on basic controls can be accessed
2. Action & Controls
-Improve camera & player movement during lockon
-Revise requirements on stamina stagger when stamina reaches 0
-Expand item shortcut slots
-Revise interactions & responses for long-held buttons
-Improve input for half-circular spin for levers
3. Enemies
-Rebalancing enemy attack & defense stats
-Revise enemies' pursuing ability
-Rebalancing super armor (flinching) for each enemy type & attack
-Rebalancing Revenant AIs
4. Level Design / Stages
-Improve exploration features like adding shortcut paths
-Add hints to signify you'll be approaching boss battles
-Revise methods to display objects that hide the player chara
-Revise damage in fire area
5. Interface
-Improve layout and contents displayed
-Revise font size
-Allow batch control of offering in Shrine
6. Online
-Improve synchronization during online play
-When having co-op with a Visitor, the host will be able to access Shrine menu
-Rebalance rate of enemy stats increasing in co-op play
7. Others
-Remove durability bars for weapons & armors
-Rebalance drop rate of equipments
-Add new control scheme
-Implement a flow to get out of missions
-Miscellaneous bug fixes